keskiviikko 12. joulukuuta 2012

The Middle east without Weapons of Mass Destruction, the way forward - Civil Society Input

(Kansalaisjärjestöjen ja rauhanliikkeen konferenssi - osallistua voi maksutta. Ruokalippuja voi ostaa paikalta Konferenssikeskus Paasitorni. Tilaisuutta koordinoi Rauhanliitto)

Civil society actors and NGOs want to support the Middle East governments in the task is to create a WMD-free zone in the Middle East.

The conveners of the official governmental Conference on the establishment of a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction (the United Nations Secretary-General, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States) have stated that the official conference will not be convened 2012. But they have reaffirmed their commitment to convene the conference and Finland as the host Government remains prepared to organise it once convened.

There have been series of preparing consultations and conferences on this issue by NGOs and civil society actors and academic scholars during the year 2012 in different parts of the world. There is a need to collect the results and suggestions of these and also to look at the way forward. For this there will be one more conference in December 2012, in Helsinki.

The Middle East without Weapons of Mass Destruction - Civil Society Input 14-16.12.2012 Helsinki

The conference is organised by Finnish peace organizations, in cooperation with International Peace Bureau (IPB) and IPPNW. If you are intrested to participate in the conference please be in touch with us.
Venue: Conference Center Paasitorni, Helsinki. Address: Paasivuorenkatu 5 A (an area called Hakaniemi in the center of Helsinki) The Hotel Scandic Paasi is in the same house.


FRIDAY 14.12.

14.00-17.00 Opening session: The way towards the Middle East region without Weapons of Mass Destruction 

* Welcome by the organisers and a message from International Pugwash
* Main elements of the WMD Free Zone in the Middle East, Ambassador Mohamed I Shaker, Chairman of the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs (ECFA)
* The role of Nuclear Weapons Free Regions in building security, Alyn Ware, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament 

(15.30-16.00 Coffee break) 

* Pandel discussion : The local/regional developments; possibilities and threats ( TBC : Dr. Mohssen Massarrat, Issam Makhoul,) 

17.15-18.45 Three parallel working groups:
* I The Way Forward: In the region and the case of Iran ( Facilitator: Pugwash)
* II The Way Forward: NGOs advocacy work 2013 - ( Faciliator: IPPNW & I Can)
* III The Way Forward: Reports from the previous consultations and working with the civil society message / recommendations to the governmental process ( Facilitator PUF)
19.00-21.00 Social program


09.00-12.00 Plenary session: 

* The process towards the Middle East WMD-free zone, Susi Snyder, IKV PAX Christi
* Dialogue, difference and disarmament: First might come regional dialogical exchange, Nicholas AJ Taylor Doctoral Researcher , University of Queensland, Australia
* Panel dicussion: The Way Forward, how to build a popular opinion to support the process? NGOs support for the process? From civil society actors / campaigns Xante Hall, IPPNW; Yayoi Tsuchida, IPB,Alfred Marder, Association of Peace Messenger Cities, Nasser Burdestani, I Can campaign (Chair: Dr Kati Juva, IPPNW council speaker) 

12.00-13.30 Lunch 

13.30-16.30 Three parallel working groups continue
16.30- Some cultural program in Helsinki

SUNDAY 16.12.

10.00-12.00 Thematic working groups continue 

12.00-12.30 Coffee break 

12.30-14.00/15.00 Pleanary session: The message of civil society to the governments of Middle East: MEP Tarja Cronberg and the response from the Finnish Facilitators: Mr. Erkki Tuomioja, Minister of Foreign Affairs